this job's deadline has passed
This job expired on August 09, 2024

Equity Associate Director

  • Date Posted June 10, 2024
  • Location Davis, CA
  • Category Agriculture / Nonprofit
  • Job type Full-Time

Company description

Mission: To build sustainable food and farming systems through policy advocacy and on-the-ground programs that create more resilient family farms, communities, and ecosystems.

Ecological Stewardship: We recognize that all farms and communities benefit from healthier and more resilient agroecosystems, particularly in the face of climate change and loss of biodiversity. We provide information and resources to meet farmers where they are and support them according to their unique circumstances so that they may become better land stewards.

Justice and Equity: We recognize the historic and lasting inequities in the California food and farming system. In order to achieve justice, we believe farmers of color, and other historically oppressed people, including immigrant, indigenous and women farmers, should have the opportunity to create and participate in a food and agriculture system that aligns with their needs, values, identities, knowledge systems, and communities. We commit to advancing racial, gender, and environmental justice in our larger systems, as well as in our own workplace because it is morally right and this diversity yields enhanced creativity, problem-solving as well as system-level resilience and wisdom.

Practical Solutions: We are rooted in the real-world needs of working farmers and see farmers of diverse backgrounds as knowledge holders. We offer opportunities for cross-pollination and provide practical resources that help farmers succeed as small businesses, local food providers and land stewards. We remain a resource hub for tools, events, and tips that they can apply directly in their day-to-day operations to be the best farmers they can be.

Economic Fairness: We promote a fair economic system that uplifts farmers’ dignity and gives them the freedom to make individual choices that meet the needs of their land, farm, families, and communities. We believe excessive corporate power undermines the prosperity of individual farmers, our communities, and the health of our democracy.

Centering Farmers: The future of farming rests on optimizing farms for farmers and recognizing the daily challenges they face in growing food, rather than maximum yields or output, which minimizes farmers and their communities and leads to extraction. Our programs and policies are guided by the expressed concerns, needs, and aspirations of farmers. Listening to and including farmers directly in decision-making is essential to advancing policies and programs that address their needs.

Strong Local Communities: We believe vibrant communities, anchored by strong local food economies, offer an antidote to concentrated corporate power. Our staff, board, and chapters aspire to strengthen relationships in their own backyards as part of the fabric of local communities, and allow the organization to remain connected to, informed and enriched by the diversity of California peoples.

Job description

Position Summary

CAFF has grown in size over the past few years and refined its focus on communities of farmers it aims to serve. This position will develop trainings and processes for staff to build a shared understanding of the organization's mission, vision, and core values and support staff in their efforts to build an anti-racist organization; this work includes efforts to serve an increasingly racially diverse farmer base, as well as advance conversations around racial justice with our white and Black Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) members. The Equity Associate Director will serve on the CAFF Leadership Team and work to support the implementation of our 5-year strategic plan and the transformation of organizational culture in alignment with our organizational core values and capacities. This position will work closely with Program Directors to adapt programs to best support underserved farmers. The preferred candidate comes with experience supporting organizations through similar processes. 


In 2020, after an extensive discussion and reflection process, CAFF affirmed justice and equity as a core value, and a commitment to better serve the needs of BIPOC farmers. In 2021, we developed and adopted a Racial Equity Action Plan, with a particular focus on growing our capacity to serve Spanish-speaking Latino/a/x/é (Latinx) farmers. Since that intensive process, many new staff have joined the organization, and CAFF needs to collectively hold a clear and shared plan moving forward. The position will facilitate CAFF’s internal staff-led Justice & Equity Committee as an organizational accountability structure and learning space, and support any other affinity or aligned internal spaces. The position will supervise the Bilingual Communications & Farmer Engagement Co-Director whom we are also currently hiring for — please see the listing for that position at


The position is preferred in Northern California, given frequent trips to Davis and proximity to staff. Additional travel will be required throughout California to support staff and attend two annual in-person retreats. 

Major Duties and Responsibilities

Essential responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

% Time Description


35% Lead Organizational Implementation of Justice & Equity

  • Provide overall leadership on justice and equity topics by facilitating ongoing staff learning through internal curriculum development and staff-wide trainings
  • Provide ongoing support to Program Directors to implement justice and equity in team (program, project, initiative) plans
  • Support audit of CAFF operations, policies, and procedures to uplift stated goals with the Human Resources Manager
  • Bridge different perspectives and experiences within the organization to ensure organizational accountability and healthy communication across staff and teams
  • Partner with Bilingual Communications & Farmer Engagement Co-Director to enhance Latinx organizational structures and processes to support staff 
  • Supervise Bilingual Communications & Farmer Engagement Co-Director
  • Provide support and allyship for Latinx staff in advancing the cultural and linguistic needs of Latinx farmers
  • Lead fundraising for justice & equity-related projects and trainings at CAFF 

35% Facilitate Strategic Assessment, Planning & Partnerships

  • Revisit existing Racial Equity Action Plan, update organizational survey, analyze survey, and share summary of findings
  • Support assessment of partner technical assistance hub for Latinx-serving TA providers across the state
  • Engage colleagues in other organizations in ongoing peer learning and mutual support around organizational equity work, as appropriate
  • Conduct landscape analysis of Latino farmer-serving organizations with partners, including who is providing what support in particular regions of the state, how they are providing, and where needs remain
  • Facilitate the organization-wide process for evaluating progress towards or changes needed on annual goals
  • Support program directors with annual goal-setting and team planning activities, including how to best serve Spanish speaking farmers
  • Development and design of CAFF annual report, in coordination with Communication Team

15% Support Farmer Accountability & Engagement 

  • Support and enhance annual or bi-annual farmer listening and accountability process, partnering with Policy Director
  • Recruit, onboard, and support ongoing participation of Latinx farmers in organizational bodies (e.g. ad hoc committees, advisory committees, board of directors, etc.) for organizational accountability

15% Participate in Organizational Activities

  • Serve on CAFF’s Operations Team and Management/Leadership Team and lead the Program Facilitation Team and the Justice & Equity Committee

Educational and Work Experience

  • Bachelor's degree preferred, or equivalent experience
  • At least 5 years experience working in a similar position, ideally with a nonprofit organization
  • Experience working with farmers in sustainable agriculture, or related fields preferred
  • Experience working in Latinx cultural communities is preferred
  • Experience in mediation, conflict resolution, and building organizational accountability are preferred
  • Demonstrated ability to create processes to advance justice and equity goals is preferred


Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  • Leadership experience within a non-profit setting
  • Experience with team building in a virtual/hybrid work environment
  • Skilled at facilitating conversations around racial equity 
  • Strong understanding of what racial equity looks like in organizational practice
  • Strong attention to detail and accuracy
  • Proficient in Spanish language written and oral communication skills is preferred
  • Ability to work independently and remotely if necessary
  • Strong computer skills, including above-average knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, Google Workspace, and WordPress or similar
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively work with and support diverse team members through your understanding of self, language, culture, and community
*For a full description please visit our site.


this position is: salaried, 75k-100k


job can be done remotely

Application instructions

This job expired on August 09, 2024


June 30, 2024