
Editorial Policy

Our values are food culture, sustainability, and anti-racism.

We believe that food culture requires food justice; sustainability cannot exist without ecological justice; and that anti-racism is fundamental to both. We commit to sharing opportunities that align with those values, so whether you are seeking a job or hiring a new team member, you can find a community of people who want to do this work alongside you.


1. We retain full editorial review and approval of all job postings before they go live. This process often involves outreach and collaboration, as well as feedback from job seekers and employers alike.

WORDS IN ACTION: all Good Food Jobs pay at least $15 per hour. Learn more.

2. We continually improve our methods with the goal of re-humanizing the hiring process, modeling cultural change within the organizations that post jobs with us, and providing resources for education and continued growth. As Brené Brown says, 'I am here to get it right, not be right.' We remain open at all times to your feedback.

WORDS IN ACTION: check out our free guide to How to Write a More Equitable Job Post.

3. We provide a platform for voices within the food world to share their stories, compile resources to support the proliferation of good food jobs, and keep in touch with ideas, questions, job highlights and tidbits in our weekly newsletter.

WORDS IN ACTION: Inspired by #sharethemicnow we feature stories from BIQPOC voices
in our newsletter, on social media, and in our GFJ Stories.

For more details, read our Terms & Conditions, learn about how we got here, and browse the GFJ Stories.


Only if you are, too. Tell us what you think.