Company description
Our mission is to empower youth from diverse social and economic backgrounds as integral participants in building equitable local food communities.
YFP is dedicated to healing our food system through an anti-racist organizing lens by bringing together youth from diverse backgrounds to explore environmental and social injustice within the food system.
We believe that through critical thinking and openly learning about these issues, we can begin the healing of our food system, the earth, and ourselves. By developing leadership and communication skills with young people and having them participate in all aspects of food production and farming – from planting to harvesting and distributing, we can increase our unity and hope for positive change in our community and beyond.
Job description
Summary Job Description: The Food and Social Justice Educator is responsible for the development and facilitation of the on-going curriculum, the expansion of existing programming, and the creation of new programming at the Youth Farm Project. This includes our annual on-farm programming with youth ranging from pre-K to middle school as well as our summer program which serves high school and out of school youth, and our Fall Intensive, which focuses on teens of color in an afterschool setting.
During the YFP summer program, the scope of the FSJE’s role expands to helping facilitate the summer program and includes: being a role model for youth crew leaders and youth crew members, assisting in teaching organic farming skills, incorporating a social justice framework, and facilitating and assisting with the organizational flow of the program. This position also includes some hands-on farm work, in a team setting with the farm crew.
Additionally, this position includes working with the Project Director to research and write grants, which partially ensure continuation of the position.
this position is: hourly, $15/hr +
Application instructions
This job expired on September 15, 2019
July 30, 2019