Company description
Winter Green Farm is a diversified certified organic family farm, using biodynamic methods of growing. We raise organic vegetables and fruits for our 500 member CSA and for our Farmers' Markets in Portland, Eugene,/Springfield and surrounding areas, and down the coast to Coos Bay. We offer organic, grass fed beef for direct marketing in the Fall. Our farm is nestled in the foothills of the Coast Range. We grow on about 30 acres, and the rest of the farm is riparian areas, Oak groves, and wetlands. The beef herd grazes on organic pasture, permanent and rotational, and we use their manure from the over wintering barn to make our own compost. We enjoy training our crew to learn how to manage our land and harvests in the most sustainable way we can. We all work hard during the course of the season and we take great pride in raising and sharing the most amazing, healthy food we can with our community.
By employing biodynamic methods, we embrace our farm as a living organism. Our mission statement is "A productive farm in balance with the earth, humanity, and ourselves".
Job description
Farm Crew ~ Field Worker/Delivery Driver
Begin third week of April through November
Responsibilities will include:
- Harvesting, processing and packing produce for our Community Supported Agriculture members and Farmers Markets. You will also be planting and weeding crops.
- Must have a valid drivers license and be able to drive a box truck either to Market or for CSA delivery.
- Must be able to lift 50 lbs. and work long days under the hot sun, and still smile.
- Good communication and team work skills appreciated.
- Benefits include being outside in the fresh air, working with an amazing crew, and access to fresh, organic produce.
- Ability to drive a manual transmission beneficial, but not required.
- Previous farm experience preferred but not required...we will train.
- Ability to speak Spanish a plus.
this position is: hourly, under $15/hr
Application instructions
This job expired on May 06, 2019
March 31, 2019