If you're an avid follower of GFJ, you'll recognize Nicole as one of the winners of our home page photo contest. She entered by sending us a link to her blog, and we have been hooked ever since. Not only does she capture amazing images that make you feel - sometimes maddeningly - like you could reach through the computer screen onto a plate, but she also includes great recipes and images from her own kitchen. And although we love a good food blog as much as the next person, we have to admit that we don't always keep up with them - there are just so many (including ours)! Luckily, we've discovered that there's always something beautiful and inspiring on Nicole's site, whenever we can find a minute to take a look.
How did you get your current good food job?
It started over a year ago when I started combining my love for food with my love for photography. I have always had a camera in my hand and I have worked in restaurants for 12 years. I have been obsessed with food and cooking since as early as I can remember. It just seemed fitting to put two and two together.
How did your previous work or life experience prepare you for a good food job?
Like I mentioned before, working in restaurants has prepared me for so many things. Being surrounded by amazing food and inspired chefs has definitely had a huge influence on my work. Working in restaurants is very hard, honest work and I appreciate that. Things don't come on a silver platter for me, I have to work hard and the work pays off. Everything you learn from working in restaurants affects everyday life: attention to details, good people skills and an overall awareness of your surroundings. I apply all these things when I am shooting. If I am taking photos inside a kitchen it benefits me because I understand what is going on. I am able to move around with ease and communicate to the chefs in their lingo.
What advice do you have for others in search of a good food job?
Keep looking! Dedication pays off.
If you could be compensated for your work with something other than money, what would it be?
Food! 'Will work for food' should be another motto of mine. Sometimes there aren't huge budgets in the food world. I will in fact work for food and do a little trade. I love to eat so it benefits me. Trade a photo for some of your farm veggies? I am in.