that are equal and opposite, and we often feel them.
Right now we are SO ready for Spring. The warmth, the energy, the revival. And yet at the very same time we want to put on the brakes - we're not ready, we don't feel rested enough, we are still in need of hibernation.
And so it goes...the person who can't wait to find the security of a job, yet yearns for the freedom of not being tethered down. Swap 'job' for 'significant other'. Or 'child'. Or other fill-in-the-blank potential source of pride / purpose that leaves you open to vulnerability. Excitement and anxiety. Enthusiasm and dread. Possibility and limitations. Same coin, different sides. Equal and opposite.
Here's the thing: both sides of the coin exist, all the time, even if you can only see one of them. The balancing act - the real challenge - is in acknowledging that duality without letting it halt your progress.
Tay + Dor
Co-Founders, Good Food Jobs