EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. Including moderation.
Have you ever found yourself bathed in the glow of gratitude for all that you have? It might have been at a particularly joyful or lucky moment, or it might have been in the middle of a completely ordinary day, when the world came to stillness around you, and you looked up and thought 'I have everything I need, and I'm so grateful.' If the next thought you had was 'I wonder if I'm about to slip on a banana peel and land on my face in a nest of red carpenter ants.' then let me tell you: you are not alone.
We've come to rely on Brene Brown for a tremendous amount of wisdom and insight, and I will always remember a passage in Daring Greatly where she describes the experience of watching her baby sleeping peacefully in the crib, thinking the entire time about whether or not the baby was still breathing - is she breathing now? Good. How about now?
Thanks to Brene, I no longer worry (or at least, not as much) about whether I'm the only one who fears a pie in the face after good news. Instead, I try to view those moments of gratitude for everyday blessings as a welcome opportunity to indulge. After all, indulgence is so often associated with negative characteristics: greed, selfishness, laziness. But it can be hard work to let yourself indulge. We suggest you exercise that muscle. If you're having trouble finding something you can indulge in without guilt or fear, try indulging in gratitude for all the treasures that surround you, big and small.
Taylor & Dorothy
Co-Founders, Good Food Jobs
Over the summer we enhanced our registration process by asking new users for more information about themselves. We're offering the same questionnaire to existing users when you log in. We appreciate your sharing so that we can better understand our audience and create ever more useful tools for you. (Psst! Only 7% have shared so far. Fill out your questionnaire today and help us paint a better picture of the GFJ community.)
Let the record show that the information that we collect merely scratches the surface. We know that your geographic location / gender / age / ethnicity are but small parts of the complete package. Rest assured that this is just one small effort that we are making to get the wheels in motion - there are so many more to come. We appreciate your patience and your interest as we continue to seek and test out the best ways to connect this brilliant community unique individuals.
PS are you uncomfortable with sharing this information that we are collecting this information? If so, let us know. We're not afraid to come up with alternatives. Most importantly, we welcome the dialogue. There is always something new to learn, and we are eager to shake the system and come up with new ways to make positive change together.
The revised Post a Job page is almost ready to implement, a new and improved My Account section of the site is in beta, and a completely revamped mobile site is currently being tested. We hope these improvements will make GFJ more delightful and impactful to use than ever.
our job search engine is a work in progress. do you have a recommendation? constructive criticism? or have you noticed a glitch? let us know. we're improving every day.