We make a lot of references to the weather and the changing of seasons in this newsletter. To us, these cycles represent not only the passing of time, but also a tangible source of connection. Living as we do in the age of modern technology, and conveniences such as refrigeration, heat and air conditioning, paying attention to the weather is almost optional - or, as we like to think of it, a luxury. We like to be in tune with the rhythms of the natural world because it reminds us to appreciate those modern conveniences (and a reason to celebrate the magic of nature).
Even now, you can hardly get through a day without someone commenting on the Winter that just won't quit (incidentally, no matter how bad any given winter is, people always seem ready for the re-birth of Spring). But just imagine - for one minute - what it must have been like for ancient cultures in the coming of Spring.
We hope that everyone gets to feel a little bit of magic - if not today, in particular, then when you start to see the trees bud, or your seedlings sprout, or when you have that first taste of spring onions.
Happy first day of Spring to you. May your days be filled with ever more light, for the time being.
Tay + Dor
Co-Founders, Good Food Jobs