and the Earth will last forever.
It's that simple, and that hard. In a world that seems to focus on which individual piece of the pie we each get, it's easy to lose sight of this wonderful truth: everything becomes more abundant when we learn to make pie and share it.
When it comes to sustaining each other, there is beauty and bounty in food - from sharing it, making / baking it together, growing it, and caring for the seeds and soil that help it grow. Every step of the way there are thoughtful humans that interact with the landscape and pass down rituals, traditions, knowledge and respect.
Farm On & Tessa Edick
FarmOn! is one such place where you can find those actions happening today. Read the blog to learn more about the founder, Tessa Edick. And get involved this weekend: FarmOn! is looking for volunteers of all ages to help plant their organic 'field as classroom' for their Ag-Academy students to learn about food and farming. Through their program they teach that farming involves learning to empower yourself and inspire future generations. You get the double benefit of leaving with fresh vegetables and the meaningful reward of giving.
Sign up to volunteer or learn about how to replicate something similar in your own geographic area.
To sustenance,
Taylor & Dorothy
Co-Founders, Good Food Jobs