I (Taylor) write the newsletter each Monday, the day before it's scheduled to go out. At times I feel like a procrastinator, but this week proved the value of waiting. The context of our lives is shifting so quickly that when it used to seem feasible, even prudent, to imagine the week ahead, now it seems frankly impossible.
The best compliment we get from our community is when folks say this newsletter touches a nerve - more often than not, readers feel like we are talking directly to them, and wonder how we knew what they were feeling at the exact moment they were feeling it. The truth is that the words are often soothing to us, too. Sometimes we need the pep talk / words of wisdom / advice more than anyone. I suppose that's why it's so important for us to write it in real time instead of stockpiling messages in advance.
The subject of this week's edition was going to close out our 'Maternal March', in which we dove deep into issues surrounding women, work, parenting, and food. It was also meant to be my last 'in real time' newsletter for a few months, as I prepare to bring another human into this world, and prep the next several messages in advance for Dorothy to edit and send in my absence. So we'd like to give you a preview of what's to come as winter winds up into spring (because now, more than ever, we need things to look forward to and reminders that some of the best things, like cooking and sharing meals, can still go on), but don't miss our notes at the bottom of this letter with answers to some of the questions that you might be asking about GFJ, in light of current events.
The issue tugging at me last week was the allure of food - how the joy of preparing and sharing it became slightly overshadowed by the cultural expectation that I was the person in my household who had to provide these services. I've been wondering how to reclaim the pride in preparing food - not because it is something that is expected of me, but because it truly makes me happy. And this past week is no different. In an ever-shifting landscape, I want to run straight to my kitchen to start cooking. Home cooking has always been, for me, a place to escape. A place where, when things don't make sense or you feel like something (or everything) is out of your control, you can make sense of things, and exercise some control. It is also the place where you can exhibit generosity - in my mind there is no more gracious act than preparing something nourishing for someone else, particularly someone in need.
For the next few months, the shape of this newsletter will also be shifting somewhat. As I prepare the messages in advance, I'm relying less on my ability to tap into the collective mood of the moment, and more on my desire to share the pride and joy of nourishing people. Each week, this introduction will include a recipe - one that I've inherited, created, loved, and / or tweaked over the years. If you feel inclined, please make or share the recipes. We may not be able to physically break bread together, but there is certainly kinship in knowing that we're cooking the same thing in different places, and caring enough to share it with others.
We hope that you are in a small amount of good company, and that you are able to both give to those in need and receive from those that are able to share.
First and foremost, our hearts go out to all of our cohorts in the food world - many of whom have been disproportionately hit by the various bans across the country / world. We know the hospitality world gets hit doubly hard in situations like this - by being on the front lines and maintaining composure in serving / comforting others - and then when closures / bans are enforced and not being able to make revenue / work from home. To all of the folks that regularly work to serve others (whether in a bar or restaurant, at the grocery checkout line, or in healthcare) we see you and appreciate your efforts.
Yes, job postings have slowed down considerably, and we would very much like to hear from you in relation to that shift. Are you in a position to hire and finding your business halted? Are you looking for work but no longer sure how you would get to your job, much less interview for it? Is life, and business, going on as usual and you're wondering how best to support your customers, or others in your community? Please reach out and share your thoughts and questions.
If you purchased a job package in the months of February or March, we will be automatically extending the expiration date by an extra twelve months. If you purchased your job package earlier, and would like the same extension, please let us know.
If you recently paid to post a job and are no longer hiring, or would like to extend the deadline for hiring, please contact us and we can provide that extension or issue a credit so you can post that job when things are up and running again.
If you recently posted a job using a package, please contact us and we will re-up your package.
Anything we haven't thought of here? Get in touch and let us know how we can help.
With love and care in these uncertain times,
Tay + Dor
Co-Founders, Good Food Jobs
photo by Michael A. Estrada for GFJ Stories